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How to Calculate Annual Mileage

Why does annual mileage matter?

As car insurance premiums are based on risk - the higher your annual mileage, the higher your premium is likely to cost.  So when it comes to getting an insurance quote, you will nearly always have to confirm your annual mileage to enable insurers assess the risk.

It’s important not to underestimate your mileage. If you need to make a claim; it could invalidate your policy if your mileage is found to be higher than expected plus your insurance provider may refuse to pay out e.g. you switch jobs and your commute is longer than normal but you don’t inform your insurance company, this could affect a pay-out in the event of a claim.

How to calculate annual mileage?

There are a few ways you can check your personal mileage such as:

Alternatively, you could calculate how many miles you drive each day and add them all up. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a mathematician to figure this out - we have a quick and easy way with our annual mileage table below.

Estimated annual mileage conversion table 

All you have to do is track the miles you cover on a typical day or week and then cross-check with the table below to find out an approximate annual figure.

Annual Mileage Calculator

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